Nuclear family, ahoy!
With the Rules of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages Act now addressing the fears of nuclear power suppliers, India is all set to start moving to achieve its target of 20,000 MW of nuclear power capacity by 2020, 63,000 MW by 2030 and, finally, to get 25% of its power capacity by 2050 from nuclear power plants. On the face of things, the Rules do look one-sided, and will certainly upset the BJP since on its insistence, the government had given in on the nuclear liability issue. While the public sector Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, the only body that can set up and run nuclear power plants in the country, has to bear a no-faults compensation of up to R1,500 crore immediately—if the damage is more, the government will make good the balance—with the BJP-sponsored amendment, NPCIL would be able to sue the power equipment firms for damages in case their equipment was found to be faulty.
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