
Sleepwalking to surrender: Pakistani state embraces the Taliban

As Pakistan smokes the peace pipe with the Taliban...

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BJP manifesto, a blueprint for governance

We seem to lay too much emphasis on the instant mo...

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BJP adds one lakh members everyday, gathers a storm of volunteers

It could be the biggest crore of them all in Elect...

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1962 conflict: Myth that must be busted at earliest

It is necessary to come back to the Henderson-Broo...

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The polarisation of western Uttar Pradesh

Amid fields of ripening wheat and tractor trolleys...

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CV of an Anti-Establishment 'Underdog'

We are not an anti-BJP or anti-Congress party but...

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The secular Jaziyah tax

Jaziyah is the protection tax that non-Muslim citi...

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Another dynastic legacy

Last week, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) granted...

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The secularism bogey and the minority vote

Diverse, pluralistic, multi-religious India gives...

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No terrorists here: Denialism that has gripped Pakistan

Pakistan, where over 80 per cent of people hate Am...

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